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Vikram & Quynh Huong — Minted
*Friday - Carpool/get dropped off to limit parking. *Saturday - Parking costs $7.50. *Hindu ceremony is now at The View (address doesn't change); reception is still at the Grand 1858. Baraat begins before ceremony, so hang out outside before heading in to sit. *Reception - Cash bar after cocktail hour & don't forget favours!



Quynh Huong

Vikram and Quynh Huong

#vindianwedding #rajarani #phomeetscurry

Vikram and Quynh met junior year of undergrad at the University of Minnesota. Quynh's roommates happened to be friends with Vikram and the rest is history! After undergrad, they were in a long-distance relationship for three years where Vikram pursued his Ph.D. in Physics at UC Berkeley while Quynh got her Master's in Education and traveled the world. They closed the gap nearly four years ago and are living it up in the East Bay.