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Vikram & Quynh Huong — Minted
*Friday - Carpool/get dropped off to limit parking. *Saturday - Parking costs $7.50. *Hindu ceremony is now at The View (address doesn't change); reception is still at the Grand 1858. Baraat begins before ceremony, so hang out outside before heading in to sit. *Reception - Cash bar after cocktail hour & don't forget favours!



Quynh Huong

Rainy Day Plan


What should I expect for Friday?

  • Think of Friday as an informal rehearsal dinner except instead of being just the wedding party, we invited everyone. Stop by, get a free dinner, and while you’re at it, watch some performances and maybe get henna!
  • It’s forecasted to rain in the morning, but will probably clear up by the afternoon when the event begins. Mid-high 60’s. Just in case, however, tarp & tent canopy is ready to keep y’all dry!
  • If you tend to run cold and generally get chills during rainy evenings, consider dressing for warmth and comfort. Even if it doesn’t rain during the event, rain during the morning will make the ground muddy and wet, so wear comfortable shoes!
  • Rain coats and extra layers for warmth can be stored upstairs in bedrooms. Pay attention to signs and stash clothing in the respective bedroom that corresponds with your first name (there are hundreds of y’all). And if you’re wondering why not last names…it’s because of the hundreds of Nguyens.
  • If it rains, umbrellas might be useful, especially if you have to walk to Quynh’s family home from your car.
  • In case it gets cold, to help keep y’all warm-ish, there will be a self-serve hot cocoa bar in the kitchen. We’ll also be turning the living room into a casual Warm Up Station with some blankets to help you warm up.

Just remember to make room for others if they get cold!

What should I expect for Saturday?

  • It will most likely rain during the ceremony. It will be hotter than Friday, however. High 70’s-80 F.
  • Due to rain, the Hindu ceremony will now take place indoors at The View. Just to be clear, the address does not change. The Grand 1858 is part of an event center named Minneapolis Event Centers (MEC) that has 3 different event spaces. All 3 event spaces are connected to each other.
  • Cocktail hour and the reception will still take place at the Grand 1858. Essentially, our wedding will now take place indoors across two different event spaces at the same venue.
  • Remember that the baraat (groom’s procession), malai matral (garland exchange), and oonjal (swing) takes place before the Hindu ceremony and will most likely still take place outside, weather permitting. If it’s not raining, stay outside near the entrance for all the rituals when you first arrive before heading into the View. If it is raining, head inside to the View immediately upon arriving and the baraat, malai matral, and oonjal will all take place indoors along with the rest of the Hindu ceremony.
  • For cocktail hour, the dance floor will be opened up earlier to add additional space to the bar area to accommodate all guests indoors.
  • Coat rooms are not unavailable and there will only be a few coat racks. If you bring jackets/coats, you’ll have to carry them around with you on Saturday (although hanging them on the back of ceremony and reception chairs really isn’t the end of the world.

What should I pack/wear?

While Friday is generally Viet/semi-formal wear, prioritize warmth & comfort, especially if you run cold.

The ground will probably be wet and muddy outside so wear comfortable shoes (rethink those stilettos y'all...) Wear at your own risk; although if you do, power to ya!

For Saturday, the weather will be warmer and all events are now indoors! Remember it's Desi/formal wear.

Consider packing umbrellas and/or rain jackets; they might useful when walking to venues from parking lots.